After a successful and impactful partnership in 2023, where the Rocksteady Running community raised nearly $10,000 for Mile in My Shoes, Rocksteady Running is proud to continue with Mile in My Shoes as an official charity partner for our 2024 races!
Mile in My Shoes (MiMS) is a Twin Cities Minnesota based nonprofit that uses the power of running to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to build connections, boost wellness, spark social change, and center people traditionally excluded from running spaces. Based in homeless shelters, addiction recovery programs and re-entry centers for people exiting incarceration, MiMS views running as a tool for both personal and collective transformation. By focusing on people and spaces often marginalized in our society, MiMS teams use movement as a catalyst for social justice. By bringing together people from all walks of life, Members not only find common ground, but learn from and reach out to one another for support.
Help support a great cause and bring added meaning to your racing by becoming a MiMS FundRacer!
MiMS FundRacers will use their race experience at Zumbro, Superior(S), Afton, Superior(F) and ESTRS as an opportunity to raise critical funding for Mile in My Shoes while receiving great perks. New this year, we will be selecting six FundRacers to receive free, guaranteed entry into the 2024 Superior Spring Trail Race and the 2024 Superior Fall Trail Race, who commit to raising $2K (3 entries will be allocated for the Spring race and 3 for the Fall race). MiMS helps you create a FundRacing page to share with family and friends, or you may raise funds in other ways. The more you raise, the more perks you receive – including MiMS’ signature supersoft hoodie, a refund of your race entry, or a guaranteed (lottery bypass), free entry into future Rocksteady races.
If you are interested in learning more or becoming a MiMS FundRacer, follow any of the event specific link(s) below.