Greetings 2022 Superior Spring Trail Race runners / accepted entrants.

Today I officially announced our 2023 race schedule – the Superior Spring Trail Race will be held on Saturday May 20, 2023

As I mentioned last year, those that were entered in the 2022 Superior Spring Trail Race will get automatic acceptance should they choose to enter the lottery for the 2023 race. I have copied below the pertinent information from the registration information page on our website. Complete registration details can be found HERE


Automatic Acceptance – For Registered Runners Affected By 2022’s Change of Venue:
Automatic acceptance into the 2023 race will be given to those runners who were selected in the lottery / registered for the 2022 race. We are doing this because of the last minute change in venue that moved the race off of the Superior Hiking Trail for the 2022 race. This change was due due to weather / trail / environmental conditions that were out of our control – Should these individuals like to participate in the 2023 race, they will still need to enter themselves in the lottery during the 15 day lottery registration period and pay the full entry fee. We will identify and select these runners using the email address associated with their UltraSignup account that they used to register for the 2022 race. If the email address associated with their UltraSignup account has since changed, they will need to contact us and provide us with the updated email address.


As always, there are no guarantees things will go according to plan, this has been my main takeaway from the last few crazy years. Whenever there is uncertainty we will do everything in our power to make the best decisions possible. Those that ran the 2022 (backup to the backup) course were pleasantly surprised at what an awesome day it ended up being. While we hope and assume we will be back on the SHT for 2023, you just never know these days.

We hope to see many of you this Spring. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank You,

John Storkamp
Race Director
[email protected]