Photo Credit: Fresh Tracks Media

Monday May 20, 2019

TO: Superior Spring Trail Race Volunteers

Dear Friends,

I do not necessarily believe that great leaders are born or chosen – I believe that great leaders emerge. Each year that passes, I notice that there are fewer and fewer tasks that require my direct intervention on race weekend, this is a wonderful thing. What this means is that within our core group, those that have gained knowledge and experience over several years, are also taking ownership of their position and in turn the Superior Spring Trail Race itself. This is what I always preach… it is YOUR race! So many of you commit yourself year to year, work to cultivate a thorough understanding of the event and as a result intuitively know what needs to be done – we are infinitely better for it. My challenge to you is to help build on this. Commit now to the same position / tasks next year and when I put out the call for volunteers next Spring, tell me “I’ve got this handled, I know what to do” and let’s keep this thing going.

You have all seen it on the trail, the finish line, in the pictures, on social media, in your friends and family, and in yourselves – there is no denying it, we are doing good works. Whether it was your first-time volunteering, or you have been with us for a long time, thank you all for making these works possible. Together we are further building upon our already elevated community and culture and you should be proud of that. It does not happen without you.

As always should you have any comments, questions, concerns, complaints or compliments, I am always available.


John Storkamp
Race Director
Superior Trail Race